you know, it's been a year since brp's started... praise God i've kept it up!!! cause only by the Holy Spirit's movement have i had the motivation and will to keep it up... and the Word is good. and the Word is true.
recently, through the old testiment i've been thinking alot about the battles that were being fought. and noticing a pattern. when people depended on God to strengthen them and fight for them the battles were landslide wins. and when people took it upon themselves there was defeat and alot alot alot of pain and hurt.
that's when i thought about my own life... do i ask God to fight my battles? or do i think i can handle them on my own. obviously it's so much better giving them over to God and letting Him take care of it.
LORD, help us to love you and seek you with all our heart, mind, and soul. we give you our battles. thank you for winning them for us. :)
IMMANUEL: Inspirations from the Spirit
Thoughts on Christianity, God, and the Bible.